7th November 2021 – 32nd Ordinary Sunday

Praise God that we are finally able to meet together in-person in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

It has been a busy and exciting week, with activities like Youth and Kids’ Club returning in-person, in amongst preparations for our return to Sunday gatherings this Sunday. Some of the activities which have re-started are: Choir, Bell ringing, Playgroup, Rambles, Working Bees, Youth and Kids’ Club.

Some brief news on other activities:

  • Friendship Group starts again this coming Friday (please note you must be fully vaccinated to attend).
  • ESL continues online. Craft Group hasn’t yet returned from its COVID break.
  • Bible study groups are also starting to come back in-person. Find out more from individual group leaders.

This Sunday, our in-person kids and youth activities re-start as well church gatherings. Creche and Youth Bible study are on at 9 am; Sunday School at 4 pm.

No morning tea after church this week, but it will be on, outdoors, on Sunday 21st November.

Here is what you need to know about COVID safety in our church gatherings:

  • You need to check-in with our COVID helpers at the front door.
  • We are under the “four square metre rule”, which means we must sit two per pew in alternate pews (except for household groups).
  • Masks are required, and no congregational singing.
  • Communion follows our COVID-safe practice (the same as when we last gathered in June). Please walk down the centre aisle, and back up the side aisles; this circular motion helps us maintain a good distance.

Thanks to everyone who completed the Quick COVID Survey during the week. We received over fifty responses, representing about half our regular Sunday congregation, which was excellent at such short notice. The survey showed a rate of 98% fully vaccinated congregation members.  I hope this will help you feel safe and confident to attend church. However, please remember that (based on NSW government rules) everyone is allowed to attend church, whether vaccinated or not.

In brief:

  • The roof project should be finally completed by next Sunday, 14th Nov. I’m sure you will agree it looks amazing!  Thanks to everyone who gave towards it.
  • The National Church Life Survey have given us an extension, so we won’t be doing the survey next Sunday, as previously advised, but it will be soon.